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Member Since 05 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2006 04:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 'Name undecided'

06 October 2005 - 07:05 PM

Neutrolly - the heroes can be legless, arrowhorn, gimme, perry, palin, sarudan and soursong.

In Topic: 'Name undecided'

02 October 2005 - 04:08 PM

Sure - I'm selling twiceover chocolate bars for free :p . Right then. New idea. I kill it King of the earpiercings. The evil sides are Mordror & Isencard. The good sides are Condor and Go-Han. Ha! That'll trick 'em.

In Topic: 'Name undecided'

02 October 2005 - 02:39 PM

I really don't think anyone will care if I'm not making any money from it. If they do then the programming's very moddable. Very easy to change from one to another.

In Topic: Modellers, skinners, animators needed etc.

14 September 2005 - 06:21 PM

A bit of background info here.

The tomb kings have been sleeping for quite a while and one day, Settra the Imperishable jumps out of his coffin with the sudden urge to go outside and watch some of the goblins attack his temples. So Settra thinks, 'I'm not gonna let them do that - let's kill them'. So the first battle is wiping out the goblins. A few of them run off and you decide to follow them. So next you attack a huge goblin settlement. This time commanding the goblins. Now the goblins get quit annoyed with this, and start a killing spree. So commences a huge war where you basicly kill everyone.

At the start of the campaign you choose which army you want to be. The game basicly then completely forgets this and starts you off as tomb kings in a short campaign of battles with tomb kings verses goblins ( you are only tomb kings for the first battle). After a few of these battles you become your chosen army in a sort of Rome: Total War campaign.

In Topic: Modellers, skinners, animators needed etc.

14 September 2005 - 05:40 PM

No not a mod. I'm starting this RTS from scratch. This will create less restrictions, especially when it comes to magic, which is awfully different from LotR.

Unit list for tomb kings here.