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Member Since 02 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2020 08:24 PM

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In Topic: _ Objective Points Mod _ news

20 February 2017 - 09:30 AM

FFE is an useful tool when used in the correct circumstances but it is not a 3d work tool.

Changing texture paths is more efficient in FFE than in 3dsmax as it is basically a textual change. RT2 found ways to "fix" some models to allow them to be imported to 3dsmax but for any other major changes nothing replaces actual 3d work to keep models optimized.

Even with the most well performed FFE conversion there is always some kind of overhead or corruption of the model. Although it might not be noticeable in most cases there are always some issues under the "hood".

For something as important as the OP mod actual 3dsmax work is always the best option :)

In Topic: Table top simulator 40k models

07 February 2017 - 05:38 PM

One thing is for sure: Relic's models as well as the ones from the modding community are well made enough to be used elsewhere.

Another thing is restrictions are mostly meaningless and learning modellers will often use models they like as their learning process.

Still I don't think the current issue is the availability of models (some things are around but unused due to being incomplete) but mostly the lack of people skilled/available enough to finish models into an usable state (animations are an usual issue).


Otherwise it is an interesting find :)