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Member Since 04 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2015 01:01 AM

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In Topic: MO on windows 10

06 August 2015 - 11:04 PM

I'm having different issues with both normal Yuri's Revenge, and MO. I can launch Yuri's Revenge, and go through the skirmish setup screen and all of that just fine, the problem is when it gets in-game, it runs like a slideshow. With MO, I can open the launcher, but when I click "Launch Mental Omega" literally nothing happens, no popup, no error message, nothing except this process comes up in task manager, and stay there regardless of whether I close the launcher. (though it can be end tasked):




Hope this clarifies things a bit. (I just realized this was basically covered a couple of posts above mine. Lol)