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Member Since 05 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2014 11:49 PM

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In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

05 January 2014 - 10:16 AM


Yuri HQ should get the Yuri Statue from Yuri's Revenge Campaign, I'd say... $2,000


Why would they when Epsilon already has an awesome equivalent with the Antares Battery.


as good as the the antares battery is it sucks against infantry.

In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

05 January 2014 - 10:10 AM

Also either for Yuri HQ or a new faction that uses ancient tech the...

Name: Epsilon Monolith

Type: Heavy

Cost: $1,700

Weapon: Laser (like yuri statue)

Description: It is basically just the head from the Yuri Statue exept it is floating, in english a floating yuri head. it floats about as high a a robot tank.

also, for all yuri factions the...

Name: Gattling trooper

Type: Anti-air/Anti-infantry

Cost: $700

Weapon: Gattling Cannon

Description: As itsays a soldier weilding a gattling gun, every other team has and anti-air based unit off of the AA defense building, why not Yuri?

In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS

05 January 2014 - 09:41 AM

Yuri HQ should get the Yuri Statue from Yuri's Revenge Campaign, I'd say... $2,000