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Sir Shadowwolf

Member Since 10 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2006 10:52 AM

Topics I've Started

Build anywhere!

21 December 2005 - 02:47 PM

Someone out of my clan, named Amras Fefalas, and myself made a mod, that let's you build anywhere, you can see. In every citadel there is a worker to build, he has a commandbutton like army of dead, but when you click it you are able to spawn a base foundation. It works anywhere you can see. The mod is still a little buggy and unbalanced, but we are already working on a new version. So have fun and test it.

Here the Installer-Download.

It should install it to the right directory itself, if it doesn't please tell me the right name of the folder in the application data.


14 December 2005 - 10:30 AM

Maybe someone knows, how to export the white platforms, that are in every wall-model. I tried a long time, but I didn't find a way to get the units on the wall. They weren't able to get onto. So I hope someone knows how to configure the platforms.



22 September 2005 - 04:41 PM

I tried to use the tunnel-guide for a unit, which can transport other units, but my orcs never can get into my new transporter, please help!

Sir Shadowwolf