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Member Since 26 May 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2023 11:23 PM

Topics I've Started

Going online with my old nickname

18 February 2018 - 07:01 PM

Hi. When I first started playing Kanes Wrath online with the new server, I made a new nickname that is identical to my old nickname because I thought that this is the way to get back my old nickname. And I was surprised to see that the stats are not the same as my old gamespy nickname. Then I found out that I did not get back my old gamespy nickname and insead got a new identical one. So I deleted this new online nickname and then asked to get back my old nickname, and that is why you found that it was already made. Can you remove my new nickname from the new server, and get back my old nickname that I used in the gamespy server. I am referring to the nickname: Cynder, which now exists as both an old gamespy nickname and a new Revora nickname. Thank you very much.

Error Message

18 February 2018 - 04:57 PM

Hi. I had this problem since I used the new online server for Kanes Wrath for the first time last year and its not going away. When I go online, if I stay in the lobby for 3-5 minutes, I get kicked out of the game and a message shows up saying: The connection to the ea.com authentication servers has timed out. This happens only in the lobby but not during a match. Although the same message shows up during the match as well, it is not enough to kick me out of the game if I am already in the match but disturbs me and wastes some time. Note that I purchased the TW and KW on steam, downloaded the new online server, did the necessary steps, and then launched the game through steam which opens the new server program instead of launching the game, so that I can continue launching the game through the new server. It does not work at all if I launch the game directly through the new server by itself (I'm not sure if this is the cause of the error message, but I'm just letting you know what I did just in case you require this information to solve the problem). Please help, thank you.

Nickname: Cynder

16 February 2018 - 07:15 PM

Kanes Wrath: Cynder