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Member Since 03 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 26 2014 06:34 PM

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AssetCacheBuilder error

13 February 2014 - 11:49 AM

Hi every one


i use AssetCacheBuilder 


i tried to make an asset.dat but i get errors


Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_DTHA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_b_diea.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_FLYA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_b_flya.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_LNDA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_b_lnda.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLC; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atna.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLB; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atnb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLC; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atnc.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLC; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atnd.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLD; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atne.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_IDLC; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_atnf.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_clra.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_ATNB; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_slca.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_HITA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_c_wpna.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_chra.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_chrb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_DTHA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_diea.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_DTHA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_dieb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_FLYA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_flya.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_HITA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_hita.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_HITA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_hitb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_ibfa.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_ibfb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_idla.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_CHRA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_idlb.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_LNDA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_lnda.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_WLKA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_runa.w3d
Internal animation is named MUNAZGUL_TNTA; Could not get info for art\w3d\mu\munazgul_u_tnta.w3d