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Member Since 11 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2021 12:13 AM

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Hello, i have some questions

05 May 2021 - 11:59 PM

Does T3A server have its own servers and if so, where are they located?

I doubt very much what the truth is, I will explain why. My friend and I play through the GR, but there are always unbearable lags, although the ping between us is not so big and only 70 ms. We decided to play through T3A First game - I clicked create game in the lobby. Everything was like clockwork. As there is almost no delay or about 30-50ms The second game - the button to create on the server was pressed by my friend. The first 5 minutes there was still nothing, then terrible lags went

Tell me if there is a server, where exactly is it? Does the choice of regions at the beginning of the game affect anything? It is very difficult to believe that you run servers for free that do not bring you income, however, please address my concerns.