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Member Since 18 Jun 2017
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16 February 2024 - 03:58 PM

Hello, can I get some support please? I have two PC's with C&C 3 Kane's Wrath installed and ready to play, but I only actively and recently play with one, I just so happened to come across this fact that I don't have the login details written down or remembered for the second pc's C&C 3 Kane's Wrath online play. (I do Have the Email and password) {Result: can't login} There also seems to be some confusion about the registered email of the second pc's email and login that are only the latest of witch I hope are still valid. Thank you, advice or administrator help required to resolve 2nd pc's login credentials. Love to have both pc's logged in and playing again soon.


I'd also like to get some admin assistance if possible to make some changes to my own profile and deactivated profiles, maybe remove everything that isn't being used anymore?