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Member Since 19 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2014 10:35 AM

Topics I've Started

Problem with Silverthorn arrow glow

23 March 2014 - 05:18 PM

Hi, I've got a problem.

I already followed tutorials about adding glows to "firearowtip", but without good result...

The tutorial I followed as principal example is http://www.the3rdage...?apage=392#page and I tried to "translate" it to 3ds max, because I use it.


The firearowtip mentioned is firearowtip bone or firearowtip mesh?

If the answer is mesh, I did correctly...but in the illustrated export settings, the option "Export transform (bone)" is checked...so I think the tutorial is referred to arowtip bone.




The problem is that if I try to export also geometry for the arowtip bone (as illustrated in the same picture), it gives me the error "Geometry Nodes with duplicated names found! Duplicated Name: FIREAROWTIP",

because I've got also the arowtip mesh in my model.


Anyone can help me to solve my problem?

Silverthorn blue glow

21 March 2014 - 10:33 AM

Anyone knows what's the proper fx to use for glowing up the arrow in blue?

I mean the arrow of the model, not the projectiles.

Problem with bow attack animations

18 March 2014 - 10:24 AM

Hi, I'm trying to let Elven Rivendell Lancers switch between lance and bow.

Everything works fine, except the attack animation with the bow.

They look like idle while arrow are being shot and hit the enemy...I'm using Rohirrim's skeleton aniamations.

Any suggestion?

Copy Skeleton Bones

17 March 2014 - 11:16 AM


I'm using 3dsmax7...is there a way to copy some bones from a skeleton and paste them to another one? 

Rivendell Lancers Skeleton

16 March 2014 - 05:42 PM

Hello, anyone knows what skeleton is bound to Elven Rivendell Lancers model (EURivenLan_SKN.w3d)?

There is no EURivenLan_SKL.w3d, and it's not even mentioned in the ini file...