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Member Since 23 Feb 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 26 2018 02:58 PM

Topics I've Started


11 June 2018 - 09:57 PM

(I should say before starting this that I'm not certain of Revora's policy regarding the discussion of illegal substances, but hopefully people will be able to appreciate the intellectual nature of what I'm discussing and not assume that I'm trying to be controversial for the sake of controversy)


So recently I have picked up an admiration for the beneficial properties of psychedelics substances (mostly just classics psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms, but also the so called spirit molecule DMT). I'm quite ashamed of public opinion regarding the use of said substances and their general categorisation with other commonly abused narcotics like speed and cocaine, with the uneducated assumptions that drugs are 'dumb' or only used by idiots and lowlifes. When in fact, anecdotal evidence surrounding psychedelics has for years been full of seemingly miraculous trends involving personal spiritual experiences and self-improvement.


And it's no longer just anecdotal evidence, increasing scientific evidence for the beneficial use of psychedelics is growing in volume albeit slowly due to cultural stigma and legal challenges, but perhaps most of the people interested enough to be reading this are all ready quite aware of the situation I'm describing.


I suppose what I'm interested in is finding out what sort of psychedelic experiences people have had and in the case that these experiences were beneficial how so? As well as of course any negative experiences and similarly what was so bad?


Personally I have only ever used LSD but some of my greatest personal revelations - mostly relating to the analysis and deconstruction of my own ego (a challenging but highly rewarding process) - have come about during the come down of acid trips.


Anyone else care to share their thoughts? :D