What the hell donate for a mod?. Looks like most is just copied from bel on bcd mod...
My mod is a free project. You can download and play it for free. Now I edit the graphics of each mission of BEL and BTCOD (they are not a copy) and port them to commandos 2 engine. I'm trying to make them more similar as possible to the original game because the resemblance to BEL is crucial for me. The option to donate is not a claim. You are unconstrained to do that (if you like what I do) or not.
hey brother,
is it possible for you to team up with the original devloper? i have also contacted him for the same
btw I'm unable to play your virsion getting the 'the application was unable to start error'
I'm new to this, is it a standalone or a mod for steam virsion?
but, excellent job, screensots looks awesome.
thank you for all the efforts