Paperbase, I usually am in the lobby waiting for people... But its fine to have short 1v1 on small maps to pass the time I am only begining replying on the forums just for my favorite faction LC
In Forums i will just look and do has a regular does in the forums. Look at all the messages and see what happens later and I make sure I get there before or close to the 20 minute..... mark
So that's thi introduction.
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Member Since 17 Mar 2014Offline Last Active Jun 11 2014 04:30 PM
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In Topic: The Official Introduction Topic
11 June 2014 - 03:51 PM
In Topic: Tesla Troopers and Latin Confederation
09 June 2014 - 04:20 PM
Confed should be able to have tesla troopers since not having them cuases them to be lacking, liiike
1. They cant charge tesla coils
2.mortors quads are more expensive confed is going to have a little bit more trouble in early game on training them
3.Catastrophes have one less passenger that can fire
Not to mention, Confeds are on low budget, how could they afford all that plate to arm up their own Tesla Troops...
On that confed still has desolaters, if confed loses the tesla trooper then confed should also lose the desolater since they cost more but if that happens confed will be WEAK agianst factions in multiplayer. Also Confed has the catastrophe I think that shows confed can be able to have tesla troopers with their budget.
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