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Member Since 11 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2017 04:22 PM

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In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

11 July 2017 - 11:04 PM

Okay, could use some help on this one.

Got a friend, who I wanted to play with. I found a iso for him, since he derped and dont have a cd drive for my awesome decade cd.
We install. Games run but with black screen (win 10), I have seen the problem before and googled an answear.
We install Omega and use the client updater to patch it up to date.
Now comes the problem

Error : 1536*836*16-c. Not too bad, saw people say we should play around with the render options. Play around a bit, get another error.
Error : Syringe "could not load executable" "the system cannot find the file specified", this error seems to only happen in full screen mode, where the other only happen in windowed mode.

I dont really know anything, but it seems to like syringe might not have access to the .exe file, so I made certain every .exe file was run as admin and with xp sp3 on.
We still get the errors and help would welcome.


-Late edit:
We did get it working, seems we had a bad install from an ISO. Copying the installed game directly, seemed to work and we can play multiplayer.
For some reason his campaign just refuse to work.