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#1091129 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by DrZiztah on 24 September 2018 - 02:05 PM



Hmm, the mission now directly confirms that Rashidi is part of Foehn Revolt. It was pretty obvious already, but now we have official confirmation for it.


Also, it seems like Soviets destroying Yuri's Moon Base accidentally cuts off the Foehn from one of their planned bases of operations. Although Yuri's forces can no longer use it either.

#1062654 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by DrZiztah on 23 July 2017 - 09:54 AM

The Russians didn't even try to follow the treaty, it's still just power jostling in ComIntern.  It's all very well being concerned about who's going to be top of the heap when Epsilon's defeated, but hello, shouldn't you actually make progress towards defeating Yuri before worrying about that?  It's no wonder Epsilon's probably going to win this war, the Russians are still doing half his work for him!  The Allies are reduced to near nothing, yet they're still managing far more than the Soviets who theoretically still have a good amount of resources left.


As for Yunru, I don't think she's dead.  That Centurion just vanishes after the opening scene, so I think it was just displayed prominently as an oversized piece of bait to draw the Soviets and Epsilon in, and she was always planning to use that Midas.  The base was just sacrificial by that point.  Now everyone chasing her technology believes her dead (conveniently including the Chinese military who, if those stories about them holding her family hostage are true, she's not exactly fond of), and that those fancy new bits of tech are lost in the new blast crater.  The Centurion meanwhile could have just walked out the theoretical back exit, or... Siegfried's been rather quiet lately, and he's frequently thought to have something to do with Foehn.  Perhaps they're in collusion with each other and he quietly chronoshifted the Centurion out with Yunru still on board.

Maybe I'm just being optimistic, but still, the Centurion's complete absence during gameplay is fishy as anything.  The Russians haven't actually seen proof of its destruction.

Well, to be fair, the Allies have precious little other options than relentlessly keep going. Soviets still have some resources and seem to have decided to also invest into long-term opportunities, even if it has turned out to be a terrible idea. Then again, I suppose after taking on the entire world in Act I (with Yuri's aid), and winning, it's kind of appropriate to see USSR failing at something without him.


There's a very conspicious tunnel in Yunru's base. It's not too far-fetched to think that she simply walked out with the Centurion and some proto-Foehn forces in tow, likely heading to the mission Nobody Home. Also, frankly speaking, I believe Siegfried won't have anything to do with Foehn. It's been built up to be mostly Yunru's thing, with Rashidi as a probable factor as well given recent developments.