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Member Since 26 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2008 07:48 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Should C&C:Reloaded v1.0 "require" RockPatch?

15 June 2006 - 10:13 PM

as long as the mod still rocks im up for it. cant wait for 1.0! i still play YR from time to time (with reloaded of course) and i cant wait for the next version, keep up the good work

In Topic: Bugs founded!

01 August 2005 - 02:21 PM

There's two three errors that I found in v0.99b2

1. (I was the Allies) A Yuri chaos drone did its thing to a GDI Titan and it attacked me but my units did't attack back

2. this bug was in the original TS so i don't know if you can fix it: when you make a NOD unit (infantry or tank) and your primary structure is a GDI baracks or warfactory the unit still comes out of the NOD building (it works the same way the other way around)

3. unlimited Mammoth MK 2's (ive got 5 right now)

In Topic: install.ccr

26 July 2005 - 06:48 PM

where can i download v0.99b1?

:blinky: when i put the mod in its own folder it works perfect and then used the v0.99b1 to v0.99b2 patch it worked perfectly

thanks Lurker i owe you one

In Topic: install.ccr

26 July 2005 - 06:34 PM

i downloaded the 0.99b2 full version not the update
should i download the 0.99b1 and then update it?

before i updated the mod manager it said that i could download a new one at the CNC Reloaded home page but there wasn't a place to download it

PS do you have MS word, i could send you a pic with that


do tou know if theres a conflict with XP SP2 cause i had to restart in safe mode the restart
again normally in XP to install RA2 like one of the forums here said

In Topic: install.ccr

26 July 2005 - 06:27 PM

if anyone has the install.ccr please send it to me!
