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Member Since 14 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2018 01:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: SEE-dc faction plan

16 January 2016 - 03:39 PM

So, are you going to make a laucher it factions that you have and there will be updates to add the differents factions?

In Topic: RotWK & Windows 10 Issue

03 November 2015 - 05:03 PM

Have you tried it?

Yeah. It works also.


Great job guys. Thanks. 


I had to downgrade my Intel Graphics, in the begining was a problem but now is ok

In Topic: RotWK & Windows 10 Issue

01 November 2015 - 10:30 PM

I suggest you ask the Edain team about that. If there's a clear solution, they'll have it.

I already and they said that "Edain (and all mods for that matter) is independant from how you start your game. if the game works, the mod works." 


So I only ask if I can play the the ROTWK patch 2.01 with the new image that TheSMokingMan did?

In Topic: RotWK & Windows 10 Issue

01 November 2015 - 06:53 PM

As far as acquiring the game, just torrent it. Nobody cares anymore about piracy regarding BFME games. 


To your initial concern, I do not know what this "battletest directors cut patch" is.. What is probably the case is that this "patch" or version, whatever it is, does not work with the fixed image that we have provided to work for rotwk on Windows 10. Could you link a reference to this "battletest directors cut patch"?

So you are saying that for example this image doesn't work with the edain mod, and only works with the patch 2.02 v5.0.1? What I shoul do If I want to play edain mod with the windows 10?

In Topic: SEE Iron Hills dwarves

22 September 2015 - 09:09 AM

It will be possibel to choose the different type of dwarves? Iron hills, Erebor and Ered Luin? Or the all types will be in the same faction (dwarves)?