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Witt Winfield Womack

Member Since 17 Apr 2014
Offline Last Active May 03 2014 10:43 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [BFME2] T3A:Online Installation Support

17 April 2014 - 02:52 AM

I followed these instructions: http://forshire.blog...ad-bfme-ii.html

In detail, the problem is as follows:

I open the game via the 'launch BFME' button on the 'T3A Online' launcher

On the main menu I go to Multiplayer>Online

Upon loading the screen, a dialog box pops up with the heading 'Update Available' and the message: 'You must download the Update to play Battle for Middle Earth™ II Online.' with the options OK or cancel

I'm already on patch 1.08 though as evidenced by the splash screen

In Topic: [BFME2] T3A:Online Installation Support

17 April 2014 - 12:48 AM

I have installed the game correctly as far as I can tell, it has worked for three of my friends who installed the game in exactly the same way at the same time. I'm on windows 8.1. The problem I'm having is that when I install the T3A patch/launcher and load up the game and go to online, I receive an official EA prompt to download the latest update, almost as if T3A has not correctly installed. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?