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Member Since 01 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2014 05:17 PM

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Pictures on the Website

01 August 2005 - 01:05 PM

I can't see any of the screenshots on the website (nor the USA/China/GLA/Militia logos on their pages). They just appear as an empty box with that white square thing in the corner. Is this just me or is everyone having this problem? Just thought it might be a problem with the site that needs fixing.


01 August 2005 - 01:00 PM

Just wondering if there were any plans for a campaign, if so, what is the story (well, the beggining, anyway)?

If there are no current storyline ideas, here's one I had;

At the end of ZH (the ZH plot is concecutive USA -> GLA -> China campaigns, so the end of China campaign is the end of ZH), the GLA had been destroyed and USA were defending their own boarders while China remained as a super power. How about having the GLA survive and sneak into a USA superweapons base and fire ICBMs and PUCs at the Chinese. This would cause the Chinese to retaliate, attacking the USA. Then the campaigns are a war between China and the US, with the GLA using the confusion to rebuild and attack. I thought that would be quite interesting (especially as the official USA and China missions are all against the GLA, which gets boring).