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Member Since 31 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 31 2017 07:17 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

31 July 2017 - 12:47 AM

I've got a bizarre issue where every few seconds in a match my screen will flicker to the desktop. It won't interrupt my play, but it hurts the eyes and is just generally distracting. I've tried changing the renderers and clicking the video options, but nothing is working. Also, this doesn't happen with Vanilla Yuri's revenge on cncnet.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Game Bugs

31 July 2017 - 12:10 AM

I have a bizarre issue where I can see the desktop flickering through the game every 30 seconds or so. It's really grating on the eyes, and it doesn't happen when I play Classic yuri's revenge through CNCnet. Anybody else have this issue, or know how to solve it?