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Member Since 11 Aug 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2017 06:41 AM

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In Topic: Commandos 2: Destination Paris - Official Discussion

15 August 2017 - 09:14 AM

Is it possible to make the default profile having all missions unlocked? Its a pain to unlock missions with codes every time after reinstalling the game. And if someone doesnt want to have all missions unlocked they can just create new profile.


Hi, it was actually possible to choose this when installing the mod. Installer creates all unlocked profile into the game. Don't know about the previous versions but in v. 1.44 this option was in the installer. 

In Topic: Commandos 2: Destination Paris - Official Discussion

15 August 2017 - 06:27 AM


Registered to these forums just to say how fantastic work you guys have done! As a kid Commandos was my ultimate gaming experience and I haven't played it for a long, long time until now when I downloaded this mod v 1.44. I have also a question about the mission order. In what order does the missions come? Are all original Comm2 missions before the new ones? I started new game from the beginning and haven't got any new missions yet. Thanks!


EDIT. I'm now in mission Blind Justice but I didn't get missions B1 or B2 before that if the mission list in walkthrough file is correct?????

To unlock missions B1 and B2 you must get all the bonus books in the missions before them, because they are bonus missions



Ah ok! Thanks for the info!

In Topic: Commandos 2: Destination Paris - Official Discussion

14 August 2017 - 02:34 PM

Registered to these forums just to say how fantastic work you guys have done! As a kid Commandos was my ultimate gaming experience and I haven't played it for a long, long time until now when I downloaded this mod v 1.44. I have also a question about the mission order. In what order does the missions come? Are all original Comm2 missions before the new ones? I started new game from the beginning and haven't got any new missions yet. Thanks!


EDIT. I'm now in mission Blind Justice but I didn't get missions B1 or B2 before that if the mission list in walkthrough file is correct?????