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Member Since 17 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2017 10:07 PM

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In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

24 September 2017 - 04:53 PM

This mod has to be the most buggiest and awful thing ever. Got it running on a new computer because it flat out refuses to work on Windows 8.1. So got the mod running on Windows 10 but THEN the game is unplayable due to the awful AWFUL lag, that only happens with this mod. It doesn't happen with any other CnC Mod or RA2/YR on it's own


This mode is terrible, the worst mod for RA2. All these cool amazing units hinders because it's unplayable. What a complete utter waste.


High rated mod on ModDB, complete lies.

In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

17 September 2017 - 06:37 AM


Problem with running this game on Windows 8.1. Installed everything correctly, from Ultimate Collection. When on the loading screen my friend who has Windows 8.1 the game will just refuse to load. And then after about a minute, I'll enter the game, auto win and then exit to desktop.

So the mod is unplayable on Windows 8.1 I assume?