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Member Since 16 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2014 07:33 PM

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MO Campaign

16 June 2014 - 08:35 PM

I just got started playing mental omega a few days ago after not having played any C&C games in several years, so far I've been doing skirmishes to learn what all the units are (since I couldn't find any guides) and I still don't know what some of the powers are. After getting some orientation with all the units and some abilities I decided to start the campaign. 


After three attempts and three one-sided slaughterfests, I'm here asking what I'm missing? Am I supposed to start taking over the tech buildings? Or is there something I'm supposed to do with my ally? No matter what I do the non-stop horde of infantry/tanks and those damned flamer tanks obliterate my defense while the airships finish off everything else.


I appreciate a difficult campaign but this is pointless, I run out of resources almost as soon as I get control of the base (the crates help but not much). Is there something I'm supposed to do to at least get some breathing room to start building an offense? Because as soon as I manage to get any kind of force the wave upon wave of soviet reinforcements just plow right through it.