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Member Since 20 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2017 05:33 PM

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In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

22 September 2017 - 06:53 AM

@Alex B Something along the lines of 'the main executable for Yuri's revenge has stopped working'.


*Edit* https://puu.sh/xFU4n/d48c14a303.jpg

In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

20 September 2017 - 11:00 PM

This mod is incredibly janky. It was quite fiddly to get working at all (which is fair enough) but i've thus far not successfully got through a single skirmish game without a crash.


Firstly, the only way I can get it to run at all is at 2560x1440 resolution and in borderless windowed mode (fullscreen just yields a black screen).


Secondly, after a few minutes, the screen will freeze but the game will keep 'working'.


If the screen doesn't freeze it just crashes with an error message. This happens almost immediately or within 10 or so minutes.