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Member Since 20 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2018 12:55 PM

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In Topic: Space Wolves Mod (Not Wolf Lords)

08 October 2017 - 08:58 PM

When it cost souls in the previous versions there was no problem, I even tried it again to see if I was doing something wrong. Maybe it's something related to the ork pop as you say, but I don't know, we'll see if someone else has the problem or if it's just me.


Also, the Wolf Guard is meant to be in the Orbital Relay? The button is invisible but they are there and you can recruit them.

In Topic: Space Wolves Mod (Not Wolf Lords)

08 October 2017 - 08:42 PM



You shouldn't be able to reinforce blood claws, sky claws or grey hunters! They cost souls, faith and ork pop to reinforce! 


I know brother Fuggles! In the 0.64 version it was perfect but now it seems it's not working, but i think it's my fault.


Everything else works fine but I have to test it more these days before I'll tell you something, as well as you need to rest!

In Topic: Space Wolves Mod (Not Wolf Lords)

08 October 2017 - 05:12 PM

Don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I can reinforce all the squads.

In Topic: Space Wolves Mod (Not Wolf Lords)

23 September 2017 - 06:16 PM


(the cost is proportional to them so that there is a necessary waiting time already until get them)


Totally agreed with that and I even didn't thought about it, but yes, in most games i've been harrased without little defence waiting to blood claws get built or waiting the resources for grey hunters. Seing your table it comes to sight that with a squad of blood claws, other SM or even Chaos will have maybe two squads in most of the occasions. Also, in several games Blood Claws managed to defeat one squad and even two at the same time with help of scouts, but I haven't managed to send grey hunters to reinforce before the Blood Claws are dead, and the fenrisian wolves help a lot but it's not enough. But yes, the issue is the time and maybe a little increase in the melee dmg of Sky Claws as you remarked in the table.

In Topic: Space Wolves Mod (Not Wolf Lords)

23 September 2017 - 05:23 PM

Dpatch - you are not using the attributes from a few posts up.


Sorry man, totally my fault.


I've been using the new attributes and have a few impressions. Maybe the price of Grey Hunters is too high because in early game you can't rely on a solid range unit as fast as other factions, considering a start with blood claws and scouts to capture fast, The previous version I played from you was more balanced in that aspect. Also the plasma cannons keep launching pink blocks but I suppose you have noted it.




In a more general sense, I think that the SW need to be oriented to a quick, effective use and taking advantage of the initially full squads; you don't want to turtle with them and wait for the enemy to reinforce. If the enemy is able to resist, they lose momentum and the squad vs squad gets more tied and in the long run they lose, unless the squad building time is capable to provide another to reposition the decreased squad.


This is what describes better my feelings playing as I've been overpassed some times because of the the building time or the price of some units.


The wolves are working fine and I think their role is just perfect right now, the wolf guard is also fine so no more complaints  :grin: