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Member Since 31 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2007 08:41 PM

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In Topic: Crazy Ideas

27 January 2007 - 02:45 PM

Mind telling me how i cant figure it out. :lol:

Hmm thats odd it says its only 2.46in tall.

In Topic: Its my birthday!

26 January 2007 - 07:26 PM

Happy 18th birthday to you now drink some vodka (trust me its good) or go find a girl if you dont have one already. :p

In Topic: Crazy Ideas

26 January 2007 - 06:15 PM

Then my idea just might fit. Im back after shooting a 308.winmag round into my cpu (i was drunk)

How about giving China a bio einginering (i dont think i spelled that right) factory so they can make all kinds of monsters.

Im thinking of one im particular its part of there national symbol.

Cant figure it out? a dragon. Do i smell ashes and burnt tanks?

Oh and is my picture of Bahamut too big i dont mind removing it.

eh correct that its not acctualy mine and i take no rights to it.

In Topic: Crazy Ideas

30 September 2006 - 08:28 PM

Can all sides get equally powerful superunits usaf gets a b2 bomber, US laser gets mobile but not so strong particle cannon tank (if you dont already have it) we could bring back the mammoth mkll for the US superweapon general.

And note i said none stronger that the other but strong enough to turn the tide of battle and give crushing force to whoever has it.

Ah heres a good one for china nuke how about the dora gun with nuclear shels. big i mean big as big and a lot longer than china command center the gun taked about 30 sec to deploy only 1 can be built and takes about a minute to reload.

and did you know they had "railguns" back in ww2 guns on railroad tracks like bertha and the legendary paris gun.

Oh and just to bring this to bear it dosent mater what jet you have mig-17 or f-22 the only deciding factor in a dogfight is your skill wich means the f-22 can suck or be good. The jet does not mater. And besides fly by wire systems would be knocked out in a lightining storm.

In Topic: Crazy Ideas

22 September 2006 - 07:43 PM

It may be groom loke but dosent it have no water in it?

And the pic i saw was off a 3 or so year old magazine the pic wasnt in complete color but i saw hangers an airstrip and a lake in front of it and i think a jet of some kind covered in tarp from the outline it looked like a bigger f22 (i know how big an f22 is because i got to touch one and actually get in the cockpit Its diffrent from the practice mig-21 i fly)