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Member Since 21 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2021 03:40 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Tertiary/Zrethya: Impersonations - Confirmed

08 August 2014 - 11:00 PM

After 8 days of no response(5 days longer than the minimum 3 days), I'm marking this as confirmed given how clear the evidence is here.

In Topic: When are u guys bringing stats and more importantly the 1v1 ladder to Zero Hour?

01 August 2014 - 10:56 PM

Forget about ladder and other "extra" stuff, just please fix the server, we can't login, never seen that on gamespy, I though the problems will be less after gentool 6.5



Revora is a non-profit organization. The server basically runs off of donations plus whatever free time the guys here are willing to contribute out of their busy RLs. It won't, and never will be 100% perfect, but they're doing the best they can, and without it there would be no online play for C&C games at all.


What you can do, other than complaining, is make a constructive thread about your technical issue in the Technical Support forum. This way you can actually find help.



In Topic: No offence (maybe) But you guys are utterly %*$&

30 July 2014 - 05:42 PM

Crazy ip blocker? Dont be fooled..

How can you still have the guy on skype..


For the History as revora probably dont know, the player "crazy zocker" is the #1 cheater, allowed to take control of your base and army, can sell your base, deploy money crate, build anywhere on map, cause desync, build type of unit that u cant acces from main faction and way more, supposed to have been banned TONS of time and always came back, multi account hack, he can connect and spam the lobby with locked room with different user in same time. He even shared his hack, because at a moment, cheaters have such growed in few weeks


Stay away from him and his friends, just an advice, how many account he hacked i cant imagine..


I'm not entirely sure what the FP protocol for KW is, but I do know that getting rid of cheaters will be far easier on Revora than it was on GameSpy. RA3 didn't have as many problems with hackers, but we did have a handful of guys who should've been banned numerous times for 50+ reports(in fact, one guy exceeded more than 100 game crash reports I beleive) but they never were. That shouldn't be the case here though.


So in other words, if you catch him doing this on the new server(stuff that happened on the old GameSpy servers is irrelevant), save the replay and report it in the Fair Play section for KW over at GameReplays.

In Topic: No offence (maybe) But you guys are utterly %*$&

30 July 2014 - 03:39 PM

The best part is that after insulting us, telling us how absolutely awful our server is and getting banned for it, he kept creating another five accounts to keep playing online. Maybe he'll try more.

If that isn't a vote of confidence, I don't know what is.


That's hilarious dude.

In Topic: Can't start game in Ra3

27 July 2014 - 05:30 AM

I actually had no idea that Revora was piggybacking off of anything GameSpy related, so I suppose an issue like this was bound to happen sooner or later, and might've easily been overlooked in the process. It shouldn't be impossible to fix an issue like this on C&C:Online(port forwarding could work as a quick fix, though I haven't tried it yet to be sure), but it may take some work and a bit more time.


My best advice is stay patient folks.