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Member Since 21 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Aug 22 2021 07:07 PM

Topics I've Started

[CNC:KW]Online game lobby, players can't join

25 September 2016 - 10:42 PM


When I host a game, no player is able to join me. Apparently my game doesn't show in lobby when I host it. It really sucks because sometimes I don't get to play the maps or I struggle big time to get any games. I'm fully able to connect to others games and I con with 99% of the playerbase. Just this issue has been bothering me for a while.

Windows 10 64x


[Steam][KW] Lobby/MainMenu Crash

06 January 2016 - 10:08 PM


Kanes Wrath

Windows 10 Version 1511


I reinstalled the game via steam to fix the issue, and it didn't. The issue occurs as soon as I start the game where if I click skirmish or custom maps in the main menu the game crashes, this also occurs when I go online and im in the lobby and I click one of the game rooms click join and it crashes also. I edited the register for worldbuilder with a \ to the end of the install path and thats the only addition to the original along with cnc-online.


Attached File  CNCOnline_Log.txt   638bytes   108 downloads