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Member Since 22 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2019 03:53 PM

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In Topic: [KW] Connection Issue

26 March 2018 - 04:28 PM



sorry for the delayed feedback. I have currently problems with my dvd drive aswell, so it took me a while to start a new try.


Now I'm done and it seems like the issue is solved:


I called my provider and they enabled full IP4 support. I joined 2 games and had good connection to all players!


Thank you very much for your help!





You are right, I'm from Germany and my provider is Vodafone. Isn't it possible to change to ip4 with Unity-Media for sure?




I hope you guys get your con-issues solved too, so we can meet online for a couple of matches shortly! :-)




In Topic: [KW] Connection Issue

18 March 2018 - 06:18 PM

Hi ToxicShock,


Then thank you, that you still found time to answer. :-)


I know about con-problems when using IPv6 support. I had the same problem in the past and called my provider to change it to IPv4. It was also my idea that the router and tariff change reversed the change.

So I visited one of those sites where you can test it and it told me that IPv4 is enabled and IPv6 is not.  Never heard about Dual Stack lite.


Should I ask my provider if Dual stack lite is activated? And if so, must it be deactivated?


PS: Excuse my bad english...

In Topic: [KW] Connection Issue

17 March 2018 - 03:40 PM

Did I do something wrong in my post? Did I miss something obvious? Then tell me pls! One week passed and no answer... :-/