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Joe Ferris

Member Since 29 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2018 06:01 AM

#1072095 BFME 1 and 2 refuse to start

Posted by Joe Ferris on 16 November 2017 - 05:40 AM

One thing! Great News! I installed a patch known as the "Turin Turumbar BFME2 Fixxer", and now patch 1.00 works in BFME2.


But BFME1, my personal favorite, still must be reckoned with.

But, hey, hooray for BFME2. Still a great game.

#1072094 BFME 1 and 2 refuse to start

Posted by Joe Ferris on 16 November 2017 - 05:08 AM

One notable thing is that upon starting BFME2 1.06, I get an error that reads the following:


Unknown field NumToSacrifice in block Object.


Error parsing field NumToSacrifice  in block Object in file data/ini/object/evilfaction/isengard/insegardhordes.ini.


And then it lists all references to said missing field.



Also, for some reason, Patchswitcher is unable to switch to the 1.09 patch, let alone play the game with that patch.

#1072032 BFME 1 and 2 refuse to start

Posted by Joe Ferris on 15 November 2017 - 07:44 AM

I did all of that, along with the compatibility settings (always necessary for windows10), and yet, the same issue occurs.

It says "game.dat - Not Responding"


BFME2 still just pulls up a window, it turns black, and then I get a crash with the 'BFME 2 has stopped working' window.