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Member Since 27 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Dec 12 2024 07:26 PM

Topics I've Started

deonio: Game Crash - Confirmed

04 January 2022 - 06:46 PM

A report has been made against deonion (Revora name deonio: https://cnc-online.n...les/1000719205/ ) under the accusation of intentionally crashing the game.


The gamereplays report can be found here: https://www.gamerepl...ic=1057282&st=0


I give deonio 3 days to explain himself. If I do not hear from him within that time, the report will be confirmed and sanctions may be imposed. The explanation and any mitigation may be given here or in the report topic on gamereplays.

Eliav: Bug Abuse - Confirmed

10 May 2021 - 08:05 PM

A report has been made against the user Eliav (Revora name is unknown) under the accusation of using a banned exploit in a ranked game.


The gamereplays report which was declared valid, can be found here: https://www.gamerepl...owtopic=1052719


I give Eliav three clear days to explain himself. If I do not hear from him within that time, the report will be confirmed and sanctions may be imposed. The explanation and any mitigation may be given here or in the report topic on gamereplays.