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Member Since 21 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2017 02:48 AM

Topics I've Started

Installation Tutorial

26 October 2017 - 05:59 AM

I made a short video showing you how to install this mod if anyone is having any issues

Can't install!

21 October 2017 - 07:43 AM

I've been trying to install this mod for a long time I've tried putting the stuff into the data folder I've tried shortcuts almost anything you can think of and its still not working I've been wanting to play this mod since I was 9 and I was wondering if anyone could add me on discord or skype and guide me through installing this I feel like I'm doing something wrong when installing it and I need help installing it my discord is VorexSlices#6032

I uninstalled skype but if anyone wants to use skype over discord just let me know by responding to this I can reinstall it

Hopefully one of you know how to help me and add me on discord/skype thanks a lot in advance!