Both my friend and I were getting serious errors after uninstalling the Shockwave mod/installing this mod (we never got mismatch errors with Shockwave like we did with Remix), so we both reinstalled Zero Hour.
It worked fine when I reinstalled it on my computer, but he was still getting errors. I hope you guys remember to delete the Zero Hour folder in your Program Files directory after you uninstall, because that was his problem.
And with 2.75, we didn't get the mismatch errors. Well...not at first...we got it on the last couple maps we tried, but we were getting whooped by the AI anyway so it's ok.
By the way, is anyone else not capable of turning Anti-Aliasing all the way off? I had to use Low because it wouldn't let turn it off. It's not a big deal, because I have a 6600GT/Athlon 64 3200+, but was just wondering.
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Member Since 16 Sep 2005Offline Last Active Oct 14 2005 10:04 PM
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In Topic: Remix 2.75 Released
14 October 2005 - 09:55 PM
In Topic: Is there any Contra Remix 3?
20 September 2005 - 02:26 AM
That link's no good.
The rapidshare file no longer works, and you can't find it on filefront.
The rapidshare file no longer works, and you can't find it on filefront.
In Topic: Contra Remix 2 Released
17 September 2005 - 10:19 PM
Oh yah...I know the problem is with one of us, because it worked fine when we were playing regular Contra .03. I sent my friend both 2.45 and 2.0 at the same time, and I'm not sure if he mixed the files or something. He's been having problems with bad hard drives/memory recently as well, and is in the middle of building a new computer, so hopefully the problem would be rectified.
I said I was hoping for a new release of contra/remix because I can't wait for them...not because of the problem.
I said I was hoping for a new release of contra/remix because I can't wait for them...not because of the problem.
In Topic: Contra Remix 2 Released
16 September 2005 - 09:55 PM
Hey Moobgwaak the Remix version you wanna download is
I know the one from the website is Remix3 but this remix2 is the new one from what i can gather. I know that it dosent seem logical but it is cos its posted in june. Look the next version will be called Remix1 probably:) BTW which version of reborn are you playing???
I'm using .03. I was using the Remix 2.45 Test version, but whenever I'd play on LAN with my friend, we'd get mismatch errors, so I switched to Remix 2...and then we still got mismatch errors every game, so we switched back to Contra .03, and now we always get mismatch errors again. =| I'm hopig .04 or a newer remix is released soon, because regular Zero Hour seems so lame in comparison now.
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