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Member Since 24 Oct 2017
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2019 03:55 PM

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In Topic: Small bugs

02 November 2017 - 05:00 PM

Don't know if all of this are bugs, or maybe this is smthng wrong with my game/computer but still will post it at least to find out:



  • When you set your graphic settings to Very Low - Medium Boromir's model doesn't look right;
  • Boromir's "For Gondor!" ability has a dwarven skill pattern;
  • When you use Faramir as a knight his sword and shoulders are pink; [FIXED]
  • Ithilien rangers can use "Long shot" ability while sword toggle; [Not a bug]


  • When you have a squad with banner carrier and send them to the Lothlorien's Tree (aka def tower) banner carrier stucks in the tree trunk;
  • Game "thinks" that Lorien elite infantry (elves with axes) are archers, also in the map Grey Havens they can't capture an outpost ( upd: they can't move between structures seems to be they are too "fat" and that's the reason why they can't capture some outposts)


P.S When i try to do normal screenshots it just takes a screen of my desktop so...

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In Topic: Rohan Faction Plan

28 October 2017 - 09:55 AM

Who needs a Rohan store if you can just loot dead Theoden? :D

In Topic: Rohan Faction Plan

27 October 2017 - 11:13 PM

As Eomer is a lead hero for Rohan maybe consider making him more royal'ish look at rank 10 for example.
I found your SaF model of him and edit it in PS to show how I see it. I know that you work on other fractions by now, and I do not ask for response but I want to leave it here and then I will wait until the right time comes to hear your opinion about it.

Something like this appears in a scene of Aragorn's coronation in "The Return of the King"

Attached File  sonofeomund.png   481.26KB   12 downloads

In Topic: Small bugs

26 October 2017 - 10:59 AM

Not a bug really but a small problem:


When you play against Misty Mountains and they receive a ring hero (Smaug), there is a chance that he got killed right above your base, and then one of barack's guards will take the ring, so you will not be able to take it to your fortress.


Both times it happens to me I was playing as a Gondor and one of the times the map was Helms Deep but I don't think it matters

In Topic: Rohan Faction Plan

24 October 2017 - 09:29 PM

Hello there!

First of all, nice mod, guys you're doin a really great work.


I would like to ask can you consider adding another archer hero?

In Peter Jackson's "Two Towers" Eomer uses a bow and so do Gamling.

So maybe you can make a bow toggle for Eomer or for example make Gamling an independent hero recruited from Westfold Lookout/summoned by Erkenbrand (like Frodo summons Sam). Also if you'd like to give Eomer a bow, i suggest to add "Aim for the head!"(quote from the movie when he shot mumakil) ability which will replace Spear Throw and be something like Beregond/Lurtz/Faramir ability with bow or active damage buff for Rohirrim archers (and Eomer himself?).

Hope i express myself clearly and you will understand me right (English is not my native language)


Video where Eomer uses a bow:
