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Member Since 18 Sep 2005
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#878536 Pre-release Suggestions Thread

Posted by BlackWinter on 06 March 2012 - 05:39 AM

The question on the main site, "how easy should easy be?" got me thinking about game modes. I got together with my friend CDMTX and we both agree that their should be a siege mode available. CPU vs. HUMAN, a game mode where the computer makes a very heavily fortified base outfitted with most every unit at their disposal.

I dont know what this game type would be called, maybe just simply Siege Mode. A few years back I found myself doing this type of testing on CPU's when looking for bugs and design indiscrepencies. I would usually make a game with me vs some CPU's and wait to get things rolling late game before attacking. (it was fun)

In Siege Mode, the computer will not attack, but simply base walk a little bit as thier base becomes enormous.

So, how about it speed? want to make all of our dreams come true and make a Siege Mode?