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Member Since 30 Jun 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2021 09:30 PM

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In Topic: C&C Generals/ZH crashing on new computer?

06 November 2021 - 07:01 PM

I picked up a new dell computer (basic computer, not dedicated gaming system) with about the latest Intel CPU, with built in graphics processor (XXX730?).

Anyway Generals/ZH will crash after a few minutes of playing, computer says hardware error.

Not sure if it's just me or if others are having the same issue (with newest integrated graphics processor).


Yup I am getting the same thing with a new laptop. Intel I7, Nvidiea graphics card... and I get the serious error (techincal error) after a few min of playing. I cant seem to fix this... have you tried upgrading to windows 11 yet?

In Topic: Keep getting Serious Error 10 min into every game!

06 November 2021 - 04:43 AM

I dont even have to be in the game for the serious error to happen. I am just in the online lobby and the game freezes on me and then crashes and gives me the technical serious error... I have tried everything I can possibly think of and nothing is working. Is it the laptop? Its brand new but I am starting to think nobody else has this problem so it must be the laptop.....

In Topic: Keep getting Serious Error 10 min into every game!

04 November 2021 - 06:02 PM



Couple more questions.
1) What kind of maps and game type do you play? Like Defcon 6, AOD, no rush etc.
2) Try to figure out pattern like immediately performing certain action crash happens.
3) Try to lower graphics settings


It can be any map and any amount of players. 1v1, defcon, TD, anything will cause it right around the 10 min mark on gentool. But it only happens online. I tried lowering the graphics but it didn't do anything. Its a nice expensive laptop with a good graphics card. It has something to do with online... because I can play offline fine with no issues at all.

In Topic: Keep getting Serious Error 10 min into every game!

02 November 2021 - 09:46 PM


Hello acrevv23, sorry for my absence. College life has had me away for quite a while...


Tell me:

  1. Are you going up against AI's when these crashes happen? If so, how many and at what difficulty do you have them set at?
  2. Are you launching the game as Administrator? The notable EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION seems to hint at the game not having proper permissions for an action
  3. Are you playing with a mod?
  4. Have you turned off Origin in Game and Cloud Saves?
  5. Have you tried playing in Windowed mode?



1. This is online games and it happens with any amount of players

2. Yup im in Administartor mode!

3. Nope no mods

4. yes I turned both of these off already

5. Yes it seems to slightly help but I always get the same error about 10 min in. With window mode it lasts an extra min or two it seems....




So I just tested it out and I can play offline skirmish no problem against as many hard armies as I want for as long as I want with no errors. The problem is when I go on revora online and play online then I get the error about 10 min in.

In Topic: Keep getting Serious Error 10 min into every game!

01 November 2021 - 07:03 PM

Bump anyone ever figure this out?