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Member Since 03 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 13 2019 11:42 AM

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In Topic: Red Alert 3 Connection Issue

09 July 2019 - 03:32 PM

Have you tried using a VPN? I can't connect to anyone unless i use a VPN.

In Topic: no Connection to other Players C&C3/Kanes Wrath

09 October 2018 - 04:25 PM

@Jonnydread yes im a UnityMedia customer :) why? They always trouble... maybe you can solve my Problem!



Ok, so you probably also have DSL-Lite and no Ipv4-Adress (same as me).

Without a VPN, i can log into the multiplayer, join games, but i don't get any connection to other players in-game. 

With Windscribe i am able to get a connection.


I am just guessing here, but if you are not able to connect to the online server at all, i assume that you either did not setup cnc-online correctly or that something else is interfering with it (antivirus maybe?).


Can you log into MP WITHOUT using Windscribe? 

Did you get a message to choose the kind of network AFTER activating Windscribe (e.g. Home Network, Public Network etc.)?


I doubt that resetting the router does anything at all, but you can try it. Removing the power for a few seconds should be enough, you don't need to do a hard reset. 

In Topic: no Connection to other Players C&C3/Kanes Wrath

09 October 2018 - 12:11 PM

If you don't mind paying, CyberGhost VPN should be able to solve all your problems. Plus there is one day free trial, so you can check if it works for you. Just pick Netherlands server.



I know that it does help OP, but Windscribe works for me. 

MasterJohn, are you by any chance a customer of Unitymedia?

In Topic: C&C3 Problem activating game after installing patch.

08 October 2018 - 03:37 PM

I am fairly certain that you do not need to manually install patch 1.09, as far as i know, the Origin version should be v1.09. 

Reinstall the game and check your version. 

In Topic: C&C3 Problem activating game after installing patch.

08 October 2018 - 02:11 PM

Is the activation window from Origin or is it an old timey window with a blue/white background?