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Member Since 04 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2006 12:27 AM

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In Topic: hard AI---general vs general

14 March 2006 - 11:16 PM

I suppose you could rush, but I don't enjoying rushing because I'm too much of a defensive player. :ohmy:

Plus just sending in a few leechs to disable the war factory, barracks, and tech center and waiting for level 5 is fun for me, because I can wait for DAYS if it means I'll win a match.

In Topic: hard AI---general vs general

14 March 2006 - 05:36 PM

Robotics general plays like the GLA, in a sense. Use hit and run tactics, and use leechs to disable the overly strong units like overlords.

You can't gather up a force and charge, that will result in failure. You have to be sneaky. Use leechs to sap away enemy power and advanced tech if applicable, then when the defends go down strike from different angles at the same time to over-run the enemy base.

You just gotta out think your enemy using robotics general, thats all.

In Topic: Suggestions

14 March 2006 - 05:17 PM

Can't you just get stealth-detecting planes and King Raptors to circle the entrances to your base? Or use spy drones and such? >>

Making the nuke truck not able to attack planes is smart imo.

In Topic: Looking for upgrades to Cut.

10 March 2006 - 10:19 PM

I think the [Insert]-proof armor upgrades should go. That will make things a tad easier and besides, nobody is gunna use that type of weapon on you anyway. You'll just outclass them. :p

In Topic: Whom must ZTZ-104 belong to?

26 February 2006 - 12:28 AM

I think you should give it to infantry general just for a decent Anti-Tank tank. Like a Tank-destroyer unit.