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Member Since 19 Oct 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2006 12:18 AM

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In Topic: War Of The Ring Question

06 April 2006 - 12:05 AM

sorry, your not the first, just the first to post about it

In all my modding of WotR, I have yet to see a good location for adding new teams, that and the fact that the game will crash if five armies from the same team invade a single teritory (a much simpiler change) leads me to belive that adding another team is impossible without re-coding game.dat

however i am not entirely sure

In Topic: wotr problem

01 April 2006 - 07:14 PM

Originaly the code for what regions to allow and disallow starting in were:

DisallowStartInRegions = Arnor Buckland Celduin Dagorlad Dol_Guldur Dunland Fangorn Forlindon Gap_Of_Rohan Gondor Grey_Havens Harad Harlindon Helms_Deep High_Pass Ithilien Minhiriath Mirkwood Mordor Osgiliath Redhorn_Pass Rhun Rivendell Rohan The_Black_Gate The_Dead_Marshes The_Shire Tower_Hills Cair_Andros Enedwaith Ettenmoors Iron_Hills Lothlorien Mount_Doom
DefaultStartSpots = Lothlorien Dagorlad Minas_Tirith Minas_Morgul Isengard Iron_Hills

Removing Lothlorien and Dagorlad from the "DisallowStartInRegions" allows for a player to start in those regions thus giving all the six starting areas you coded for

An interesting aside:
Before I noticed the problem listed above, I played around with some other things and I found out an interesting "glitch" in the game

Even though in the livingworldtutorialregions.inc the region of Lothlorien was listed as

;// Lothlorien
Region Lothlorien
	DisplayName				= LW:DisplayNameLothlorien
	ConqueredNotice				= APT:LivingWorldRegionTakenNotice
	MapName					= "MAP WOR Lorien"
;MovieNameFirstTime			= Good_Lothlorien_Intro
;MovieNameRepeat			= Good_Lothlorien_Intro
	SkirmishStillImage			= WOR_Lorien_Loadscreen
;SkirmishVoiceTrack			= GoodIntroIsengard1
	SkirmishMusicTrack			= Shell2Music
	SubObject				= Lothlorien
	RegionPortrait				= LWPLorien

and other WotR scenarios have it listed as Lothlorien, when I changed the name from "Lothlorien"
to "Lorien" I was able to start in Lothlorien

However all the other regions coded for this player to have did not appear with Lothlorien

Regions = Arnor Buckland Ettenmoors Rivendell The_Shire Tower_Hills Grey_Havens Harlindon Fangorn Lorien Mirkwood
StartRegion = Lorien

Armies = HeroArmy1 HeroArmy2 HeroArmy3 GarrisonArmy1
Region = Lorien

In Topic: War of the Ring Mod

15 March 2006 - 12:21 AM


Or, in other words, can I just create a file like that with the changed ini and will it work everywhere, or does the .big file have to have more?


I meant to say on every game with any sort of mod or changes --or something like that

In Topic: Modding War of the Ring mode

14 March 2006 - 10:16 PM

I have been working on a similar mod as you have in regard to the WotR mode in B4ME2

you have said that you want to:

- Eliminate builders in battles.
- Strip buildings such as fortresses of the ability to train builders.
- Have battalions built in the strategic map represent more than one battalion in the actual battle. For example, have lowly soldier (Orc Hordes, Gondor Soldiers, Dwarven Guardians, etc.) strategic units represent three real battalions, cavalry represent two and elite units (such as Ithilien Rangers and Rohirrim Cavalry) represent one.

so far i have done the last section, increasing all units created to be (at least) two batallions in RTS mode and a few other changes to the WotR mode

and i believe i have figured out how to remove the other two points that you have said, however my method would make it imposible to create anything in game in other modes like skirmish, multiplayer, etc however i have not tested it out yet (i have not had the time to do so yet)

Question: would you like to work together on a mod for WotR or at least swap ideas and sugestions with each other?

PS you can see what i have tried to do here

In Topic: War of the Ring Mod

13 March 2006 - 01:37 PM

I believe i have figured out a way to make all units and buildings un-buildable in RTS mode in the War of the Ring. (i need to do some more testing)

However, since this will remove buildable units from all modes, skirmish, multiplayer, etc, how does one create a .big file to mod the game from the My Battle for Middle Earth 2 folder without having to uninstall and reinstall the mod?

I was looking at the Rise of Rome mod .big file and was wondering, do all you need is the changed files and an icon pointing to the .big file?

Or, in other words, can I just create a file like that with the changed ini and will it work everywhere, or does the .big file have to have more?

Also, if you mod this way, can you still play the game without the mod, or is that impossible?


PS if there's a tutorial for this and i missed it, go ahead and yell