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Member Since 11 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2024 01:54 AM

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In Topic: Port 6667 blocked by ISP - Use alternate port?

29 July 2018 - 02:15 PM


Test multiple user using TCP 6667 proxy. it worked! :thumbsupcool:


my friend using retail version, I using steam version, both work perfectly

attachicon.gif 2018.06.06-00.35.jpg


I think I can make proper tutorial for this

Please make a tutorial for this.

I tried Teknogods solution and nothing works. You are my only hope.


Nevermind. Found your guide at steamguide. Nice guide. Thumbs up.

In Topic: Port 6667 blocked by ISP - Use alternate port?

29 July 2018 - 02:14 PM

Can you make CNConline use other port? Is it possible?

In Topic: Port 6667 blocked by ISP - Use alternate port?

29 July 2018 - 02:08 PM

Test multiple user using TCP 6667 proxy. it worked! :thumbsupcool:


my friend using retail version, I using steam version, both work perfectly

attachicon.gif 2018.06.06-00.35.jpg


I think I can make proper tutorial for this

Please make a tutorial for this.

I tried Teknogods solution and nothing works. You are my only hope.

In Topic: Port 6667 blocked by ISP - Use alternate port?

24 July 2018 - 10:26 PM

Please do not use port 6667. Use other port.