I just suggested the mode so I can be a lazy bastard when testing my maps to make sure the AI has enough build space and won't freeze, and the suggestion overall isn't a competitive matter but rather it's for fun and giggles.
scouting should always be a part of the game, albeit this game having no fog of war (and possibly never will with this engine) kind of makes it useless after the first 3 minutes of the start of the match.
(unless you happen to be a good player and stop your enemy from scouting, that's an essential part if you're not just planning to sit in your base till T3)
When I made mention of you in my first post, I meant to convey an analogous instance clad in memorial praise; but if I happen to impute you into my logic, it is was an accident clothed in classic error.
The same may be said of the options 'Superweapons', 'No Naval Combat', etc. (and many other instances parallel). Some should exist in every match, but here we are, with options to disable them. If 'scouting should always be a part of the game', then disable this option prior to starting a match. Every opposition hitherto offered can be resolved with a single click—the question is whether or not this option is worthy amongst the ranks of the other skirmish options. To this I have offered the aforementioned musings. DTA and TI have this option, and, forsooth, nobody complained.