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Fitzgerald Cordero

Member Since 13 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2014 07:21 AM

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In Topic: AI behavior feedback

13 July 2014 - 10:31 AM

i guess the ai should use a more diverse apc type attacks like those of in ts. for example the cyborg commando just walks to attack your bases. but would be effective to be sent via apc. with additions of support teamtypes. also ai is very predictable due to very high probabilities up to 5000. you could just copy the existing triggertypes and pasting it with different id. also the teamdelays is to low witch makes the ai build teams with autocreate=yes more often, this is helpful to make the ai more annoying but lessens the possibility for the ai to use teams that are created based on event rather than time.

also a suggestion to make the ai attack the artilleries, juggernauts, grand cannons with an airstrike when an enemy has it. the artillery deploys to a structure when attacking so you could specify it in triggertypes as gaarty(or any) then point in to a structure to attack in scriptypes.

additional suggestions is the ai knows when it is unable to reach an another island when the bridge is destroyed or there is no bridge at all. and so they will stop producing land based units( this includes amphibious units and subterranean). but the ai will use hover units like hovercrafts(this is proven by the ai using racketeers, kirovs, disks, and my mod). you could then use hovercrafts as a transport but because you got a very far aisafedistance thats a little hard chance and by using script
it would just be a very good luck if the ai lands on the other island.

last suggestion is the ai to use carrier and dreadnoughts. the ai will not attack directly at lands using 0,n commands but needs to specify specific structures. im using 0,5 as the starting script so the ai will clear other vessels in the sea before safely attacking the structures. you could also add 48,0 as the starting script for few teamtypes to give the impression of scouting plus a chance that the ai might attack at the lesser defended part of en3mi3s base.

in structure numbers

0-1+#=structure at least threat(useful for aircrafts, apc)

64*1024-1+#=structure at most threat(useful for demo trucks)

128*1024-1+#=structure at nearest distance(useful for bridge repair, tech capture)

192*1024-1+#=structure at farthest distance(useful for bridge repair at the enemies base)

(putting specialthreatvalue=1 and threat=0 to unit makes the ai prioritize to destroy it first like if you want the ai to focus destroying mammoth mk2 above others)

(putting toprotect=yes to mammoth mk2 makes the ai with teamtypes with isbasedefens=yes respond and follow the mammoth when attacked, as if escorting to its destination)

(teamtypes with lower priority than suspendpriority will comeback and defend the base when attacked)