So yeah, I decided to download google's new internet browser, chrome ( and i have to say, it's pretty good. Heres a couple of neat things it can do:
1. Want a new window? Click and drag one of the tabs outside the window and it will automatically create a new window of Chrome!
2. Page crashed? With Chrome, when a tab crashes, it does NOT affect the other tabs you have open!
3. Metabar - Type a site name or a search term in the URL bar, and it will bring up search results for it from the search engine of your choice, or the site itself!
4. Improved Javascript. The Wired Magazine article about Chrome states that, in all essentialities, Chrome is 56x faster than IE, and 10x faster than Firefox or Netscape.
5. It's ENTIRELY open-source!
6. Built-in spellchecker Automatically spellchecks what you type, even if you aren't on a site that has a spellchecker built-in! The only real flaw with this is that it considers "google" to be mispelled. Lol.
If these aren't good enough reasons to get it, I'm not sure what are. Go ahead and download it if you haven't already, it's definitely worth it. Take this from the guy who stuck with IE6 for months after IE7 was released =P
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28 September 2008 - 07:20 PM
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