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Member Since 22 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2007 07:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Time Travel

25 September 2007 - 08:12 PM

Travelling forward it time faster than normal is possible, by speeding up, but to make a noticeable difference you would need to be going very fast. But to travel back in time you would need to be going faster than the speed of light, which is impossible, Tachyons can travel faster than light. So if you were to fire a tachyon at a target, it would hit the target before it was fired and you would not see it hit the target until after it did. If time travel is possible without going to parallel universes there is one massive problem with travelling back in time more than a few days, Temporal Paradoxes, the further back you travel the bigger the problem gets. What could be considered 'time travel' could be moving to a parallel universe that is maybe some time behind our universe, and not actual time travel. This would mean than any changes you were to make to that universe would have no affect on ours.

In Topic: Your Computer

13 August 2007 - 04:33 PM

CPU: AMD Dual core 3.1GHZ
RAM: 2048MB
Sound: On board
HDD 1x150GB 2x80GB
Screen: 18"LCD (2048x1024)
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate

In Topic: Word Association

11 August 2007 - 07:43 PM


In Topic: Count to satan-knows-which-number

11 August 2007 - 07:28 PM


In Topic: Ban The Person Above You

11 August 2007 - 07:21 PM

Caspa should be banned for asking a question