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Member Since 14 Feb 2018
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2024 09:21 AM

Topics I've Started

Cannot activate old (2018) account

03 September 2024 - 05:04 PM


Problem: Can't login on current account to "cnc-online.net" with Error message:

  • This account has not been activated yet. Please follow the activation link sent to you by e-mail.

Pretty sure that account was activated and used by me in February 2018. Just to make sure, I reset password and logged in onto forum.

Found button to resend activation letter and used it, but upon attempting to use link in the mail I got error:


Account activation failed. Please contact us in the support section.


Figured that I cannot post on forum without activation, so I decided to change E-Mail adress, which helped me and my forum status changed, but I still get same mistake on "cnc-online.net" that account is not activated and additional attempt to resend verification email resulted in "activation failed".


I believe at this point I exhausted all my ways to amend this, or is there anything else I should do to resolve it?


Edited: removed hyperlink.