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Member Since 21 Feb 2018
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2020 12:21 PM

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-|Raptor - Abusive language

10 April 2020 - 07:09 PM

Hello.. can u please ban this guy ? 


The amount of toxin he throwing there is unreal, most people being annoyed from him as fuck but they dont know how to report. Like even most of the non-muslims people there hating him so much.


This time is the best time of new players coming to zh since while, we need to benefit from it. This guy giving a very bad picture of the community, even for the admins tbh. Anyone will see him spreading racism there for a long time ofc he will say that there are no admins, or the admins are pretty useless.

I still remember since like 3 years( even before i installed the game) there was a stream and that guy with purpose while the streamer was in lobby he went there and start saying extremely stupid shit racism and anti-religious. I was really like wtf there are no admins there?

I mean that if someone said it one time thats maybe ok, it can be ignored, but a continuing for years thats really a big shame on the community and the admins anywhere that shit is happening.


Some day, Kassad was there and saw him talking more shit that this, i said to him did u see that guy, he told me yes ignore him. I really love kassad, but why da fuck should 200 players in lobby ignore a racism boy? why not this guy just get banned and fuck off? why da fuck even we need admins if we will be asked to ignore anyone instead of banning him?


I think the lobby cant be like cultural and respectful while the most time that guy there flaming and insulting peoples and  religions regardless of which ones...


I really will like a fair decision there and will appreciate it, not just me but many people aswell. Thank u


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