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Member Since 18 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Jul 06 2019 11:52 AM

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In Topic: Zero Hour - Cannot login to server

26 July 2014 - 03:20 PM

Hallo guys,


I have found the reason for the problem with playing online zero hour!

The reason is: I have several versions of zero hour (I have the ultimate edition, the first decade edition and the normal zero-hour cd-version) - and I have tried to play c&c zero hour with nodvd version of first decade!

Because I was tired to put the cd in the player, I have put the nodvd version of first decade into the directory of zero hour.

In the past there was no problem to play with gamespy with this version. But the new online servers of c&c-online have problem with this version.



I have uninstall zero hour and installed with the "normal" generals.exe


Now, I have to put the cd in the player, but I can play online :-) !!!!


Attention: After I have had the online-problem, I had to  delete the files in the directory "C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\Command & Conquer Generäle Stunde Null Data\GeneralsOnline"

Because, although I had make a new installation of zero hour, the game won't online play. After I have deleted the files in the e.g. directory, than I could play online !!!!

In Topic: Zero Hour - Cannot login to server

20 July 2014 - 01:22 PM

I am so sorry. I have specified my search, how you have suggested.

Here the result:


----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Zero Hour
Zero Hour Install Path: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generäle Stunde Null\
Started game with: "generals.exe "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Zero Hour. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.

----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Generals
Generals Install Path: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command and Conquer Generals\
Started game with: "generals.exe "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Generals. Detaching...
Found game.dat process. PID 2740
*** Starting hostname hooking routine ***
Injecting DLL into game.dat process...
Result of injection: Code -1073741582

----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Zero Hour
Zero Hour Install Path: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generäle Stunde Null\
Started game with: "generals.exe "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Zero Hour. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.

----- C&C:Online Launcher Start -----
Game: Zero Hour
Zero Hour Install Path: C:\Program Files\EA Games\Command & Conquer Generäle Stunde Null\
Started game with: "generals.exe "
Caught CREATE_PROCESS_DEBUG_EVENT from Zero Hour. Detaching...
ERROR: game.dat process not found.


generals runs - zero hour doesn't run !

In Topic: Zero Hour - Cannot login to server

20 July 2014 - 12:57 PM

sorry, but there is no file CNCOnline_log.txt on my hdd!

I have searched in the whole device c: