Next time, credit me, kthnxplz
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Member Since 15 Dec 2005Offline Last Active Aug 08 2006 06:28 PM
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In Topic: Nintendo Wii
04 May 2006 - 07:25 PM
Next time, credit me, kthnxplz
In Topic: Your help
19 February 2006 - 10:53 AM
In Topic: How about a Visual Basic and VB.Net Forum?
02 January 2006 - 03:25 PM
In Topic: Count to satan-knows-which-number
02 January 2006 - 03:24 PM
Ps. Can I write a script to do this for me .
/me Cronjobs
In Topic: Celebs!
02 January 2006 - 03:21 PM
The thing is, most games etc. are made for Windows. On my laptop I have both systems though, because uni wanted it that way. Linux is definately a good idea and it's really too bad most good games hardly can run in Linux (a certain program/library called Wine (no, not the alcohol containing one) would not work yet I've heard), but can in Windows.
Try Cedega, it runs almost everything.
The problem with linux is its very hard to set up, wireless and network is still very dificult evening setting up your sound and screen resolution. Now you can run a lot of windows aplications through Wine.
I would linux when it finally gets some decent wireless stuff together.
Try Ubuntu, it's even more easy to install than Windows. Though I got to admit, wireless on linux is teh suck.
I didn't fucking buy my windows. I ripped it. If you're a little into more advanced programming, coding, or hacking, you'll notice windows just isn't enough.I dont see the point, if its so bad why is everyone using it? What can windows do that linux cant? If you hate it so much then dont buy it, if you buy then you cant hate it.
I need a decend, fast, commandline based C/C++ compiler for windows. Bring it to me!
And better perl support. Uh oh yeah, I forgot about a decent Graphical Network Mapper. And what about multiple desktop support?
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