So what precisely do you want to know that hasn't already been covered?
Well, I have been playing around with the Search Feature on Relicnews:
And, I see where you (Thud) have applied for an official update for the Steel Legion Mod.
How is it going? Is the Steel Legion for SS team coming together?
I resurrected a couple of the Steel Legion threads from the bottom there on RelicNews. I want to see if anything is happening there.
In the I_DH thread, I have been participating there. I put up a link to Compiler's Official SoulStorm Beta so that people can download it. I suppose a Hotfix for Compiler's Official SS I_DH Beta is in order? It looks to me as if Undirector is now trying to take up the balance changes on that one. If Undirector gets a preliminary Hotfix for that one, then as part of the Hotfix, I would assume that Undirector would make sure that the 3.10 AI Mod is properly applied as well?
I can see that Undirector is participating here in the Harlequin Mod Forum. If he gets the Harlequins balanced right and a SS version of Harlequins released with your help, Thud, then I suppose Undirector would be in a good position to apply those Balance Changes and make a Hotfix for I_DH, and maybe even Steel Legion at some point?
Obviously, I wasn't able to get into the Harlequin Mod Forum to participate, so that's why I created this thread here.
I assume that people around here want to keep me out of betatesting.
But, I should probably express my particular interest in the Harlequin Mod and offer myself as a betatester on that mod if you or Undirector desire me to be involved with it in some way. I'm not a modder, but I can betatest the Harlequin Mod and some of these other Race Mods for SS that Undirector is getting involved with rebalancing, and make some suggestions if someone wants me to do so.
I found and downloaded the 4.5 Tyranid Mod for SS last night, and gave it a go. I also found the dead Tyranid SS thread on RelicNews and resurrected it, and gave a small report of my experience while playing a game as the Tyranids under SoulStorm. I didn't comment much on balancing, because I would rather have it balanced for 3.10 AI Skirmish Mod gameplay if I'm going to be playing as the Tyranids in SoulStorm. I wasn't all that impressed with the generic Relic AI, obviously.
I guess I'm willing to be a little bit more involved with the update of these Race Mods to SoulStorm and to the 3.10 AI Skirmish Mod, if someone has some betatesting for me to do in that regard. I would just need some guidance as to what specifically needs to be tested or looked for, so that I'm not wasting anyone's time reporting on things that are of no use or of no interest.