To my shock I just found out what happened, so I decided to return for once to the CNC community to raise a toast to Xeno, who was one of the nicest people I've, and anyone, have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Xeno showed the value of life in his ability to stay positive, even though half of his life has been with the terrible disease that eventually got the bigger hand on him.
Xeno was one of those great guys who was always eager to help the modders of tomorrow, and he always had a good taste for his own directions. It's a shame not everyone on these boards got to meet him.
This community could not have imagined a better friend, tutor and person than Xeno. Rest In Peace mate.
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Member Since 09 Feb 2004Offline Last Active Jun 26 2009 10:35 AM
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In Topic: I'm raising a Toast to Xeno
24 June 2009 - 08:20 AM
In Topic: Public cast announced
21 August 2008 - 09:20 AM
Tim Curry and Peter Stormare make this the best Russian cast evar
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